My heart is so full I'm pretty emotional today.. Honestly being able capture a moment in life as precious as family time together is one of the biggest blessings in my life. Life happens so fast and we are so busy creating new memories that old ones fades and then they are gone in the blink of an eye. As I was going through this session I was so overwhelmed with emotions of love and gratitude. Only recently have I had the privilege of knowing Danny and Alissa barely 16 months ago, now I can't even imagine my life without knowing them. I'm so grateful our lives have crossed paths and grateful Danny got into PA school with my husband and moved his family from Nevada to Utah. They drove up to see us from Salt Lake to have family photos done last weekend. We had a blast between the giggles, pizza, football, and watching Nanny McPhee. Truly when I look through these images they reflect the love of a family with all the joy and laughter there can be. Life is short and friends are many I hope I will always remember special moments that fade so inevitable.